Saturday 30 April 2022

Corps Day Service 2022: My First QARANC Association Experience by Meg Lydford


On the 3rd April 2022 I attended a QARANC Association Church Service at this beautiful church, followed by lunch at a local pub in my home town of Weymouth. I felt honoured to take part in the first Jurassic Coast Branch Corps Day event for 3 years, due to the Covid pandemic restrictions.

The whole service was dedicated to the QARANC, with the vicar reading the QARANC collect prayer:

O God, who through the healing touch of thy dear Son didst recover the sick and relieve their pain, grant to us who serve beneath thy Cross in the Queen Alexandra's Royal Army Nursing Corps such love towards thee and devotion to our duty that the shadows may pass from those entrusted to our care, their darkness lighten into faith and hope, and thy love bring healing peace, for his sake who was content to suffer for all mankind, even Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The organist played and we heartily sang the QARANC Corps Hymn, sung to the tune of The Churches  One Foundation.


O Father, by whose servants
Our Corps was built of old;
Whose hand hath crowned her children
With blessings manifold;
For thine unfailing mercies
Far shown along our way,
With all who passed before us
We praise Thy name today.

The changeful years unresting
Their silent course have sped,
New comrades ever bringing
In comrades' steps to tread;
The days of old have dowered us
With gifts beyond all praise;
Our father make us faithful,
To serving the coming days.

Before us and beside us,
Still holden in Thy hand,
A cloud unseen of witness,
Our older comrades stand;
One family unbroken
We join with one acclaim,
One heart, one voice uplifting
To glorify Thy name.

Meeting the retired and serving QAs and hearing their stories about their amazing careers was inspiring to me as a trainee QA. And the lunch was pretty good too! I will definitely be looking forward to their next event; wine tasting in September!

Joining the QAs has been fantastic so far, and I’ve met some friends for life. Birmingham has a tradition for military health care and we train alongside the NHS nurses, but as QAs we stand out from the rest which was reinforced to me after meeting the mainly retired QAs and hearing their stories. I think it is important as trainees to be a part of the Association as it motivates and inspires our future careers.

Pt Meg Lydford QARANC Student Nurse

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