Friday 30 June 2023

The QARANC Association Jurassic Coast Branch on a Day Out 2023


The Branch members had a great day out at the Sculpture By The Lakes in Dorset June 2023.   A well organised day (as always) arranged by our Chair, Marjorie Bandy and her committee.  It started with the usual gathering and chat before the most delicious lunch, using local produce.  

After our long leisurely lunch we realised we wouldn't get to see the Sculpture Park if we didn't stop talking!  A QA get together is always lively and our Branch is friendly and welcoming and perhaps why we are growing in numbers.  As regular, reserved and retired QA's we have a special connection.

The Sculpture Park is really the most amazing place to walk around on the flat, with sculptures everywhere amongst the grounds and lakes.  Very peaceful and tranquil.  Mindful of this Marjorie advised we all went round in small groups  so as not to disturb the other visitors and no doubt the wildlife!  With so much space it felt as though there were not many visitors there, it felt as though we had the grounds very much to ourselves. 

Marjorie's Royal Red Cross by Marjorie Bandy

  The Royal Red Cross (RRC) is a military decoration awarded for exceptional services in military nursing. The award was established on 27 A...